Osborne Audio

How long is my script? How long should it be?

Jump right to the word counter

A script and a microphone set the stage for a voice-over recording session.

How long should my script be?

That depends mostly on two things: the duration of the ad (usually 15, 30, or 60 seconds) and the type of read you need (slower, average, or fast).

Slower read

Good for somber or important topics. More deliberate. Often heard in public radio and TV sponsorships.

Average read

Good for most on-air ads and news or commercial radio sponsorships. Standard announcer to conversational.

Fast read

Good for things like car ads, concert promotions, limited-time offers, and sponsorships on sports stations.

Remember to leave room for other audio elements like music, sound effects, and pauses.

Number of words to shoot for
  Slower Average Fast
10 sec 20-21 22-23 24-25
15 sec 30-35 35-40 40-45
30 sec 60-70 70-80 80-90
60 sec 100-135 135-170 170-200

How long is my script?

Word Counter for Timed Scripts

Word counters work by using spaces as boundaries. Timed scripts are harder to get good counts for because things like web addresses that sound like more than one word ('Osborne Audio dot com') get counted as just one because they're usually pasted in without any spaces ('').

This tool splits things like web and email addresses, phone numbers and street addresses, hyphenated words, and select acronyms into separate elements for a more accurate count. Touchscreen users, return/enter after pasting.

Try it

Copy and paste the following text into the counter field. A regular word counter say it's 31 words.

Call 867-5309. Or go to on your PC or Mac. Email Jenny at, or visit us anytime at 67 North 53rd Street. Top-notch service for all your Jenny needs!

Count: 0 words
Ad for Rode Microphones.
Ad for Full Compass audio and visual gear.

Happy scripting!

Word Counter for Timed Scripts is a free tool courtesy of Osborne Audio. [Must have JavaScript enabled. Feedback welcome.]

Need a VO artist for that script? Check out these demos to see if we have the right voice for your project.








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